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Curriculum Vitae
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Curriculum vitae

1944 I was born in Aumühle near Hamburg. Both my parents were doctors.

1951-55 Attending the former elementary school in Aumühle.

1955-64 Attending the classical branch of Hansa-Oberschule (grammar school) in Hamburg-Bergedorf. First translation attempts with Homer's Odyssey. School diploma including both Latin and Classic Greek proficiency certificate.

1964-66 Military service in Plön and Kiel.

1966-70 Studying Protestant Theology at Tübingen University. Hebraicum. Attended an advanced seminar with Prof. Ernst Käsemann. Secular examination at the theological faculty.

1970-76 Studying physics and economics at (West) Berlin college of education.

1978-2008 Working as a teacher at several low-level secondary schools in Essen.

1981-84 Self-study of Turkish. Attended a course on Reading and Discussing Turkish Newspapers with Osman Okkan at the university of Essen.

1984 Got the title of Certified Turkish Translator from the Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

1990-97 Member of Literaturkreis türkischer Schriftsteller in NRW (North-Rhine/Westphalia Resident Turkish Authors' Working Group).

Since 1997 Member of Verband deutscher Übersetzer VdÜ (German Translators' Union).

Since 2008 Member of ÇevBir, the Turkish literary translators' union.

2008-21 Member of Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer BDÜ, the German professional translators' union.


Married to a turkish woman. Four children.
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