Curriculum vitae |
1944 |
I was born in Aumühle near Hamburg. Both my parents were doctors.
1951-55 |
Attending the former elementary school in Aumühle.
1955-64 |
Attending the classical branch of Hansa-Oberschule (grammar school) in Hamburg-Bergedorf.
First translation attempts with Homer's Odyssey. School diploma including both Latin and Classic Greek
proficiency certificate.
1964-66 |
Military service in Plön and Kiel.
1966-70 |
Studying Protestant Theology at Tübingen University. Hebraicum.
Attended an advanced seminar with Prof. Ernst Käsemann. Secular examination at the theological faculty.
1970-76 |
Studying physics and economics at (West) Berlin college of education.
1978-2008 |
Working as a teacher at several low-level secondary schools in Essen.
1981-84 |
Self-study of Turkish. Attended a course on Reading and Discussing Turkish Newspapers with Osman Okkan at the university of Essen.
1984 |
Got the title of Certified Turkish Translator from the Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
1990-97 |
Member of Literaturkreis türkischer Schriftsteller in NRW (North-Rhine/Westphalia Resident Turkish Authors' Working Group).
Since 1997 |
Member of Verband deutscher Übersetzer VdÜ (German Translators' Union).
Since 2008 |
Member of ÇevBir, the Turkish literary translators' union.
2008-21 |
Member of Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer BDÜ, the German professional translators' union.
2001 |
Married to a turkish woman. Four children.